Create an Intuitive Business in Alignment
For the Conscious Service Based Entrepreneur
Everything you need, and nothing that you don't, to begin and grow your intuitive service based business, ethically, in alignment, your way
Being an intuitive you're ready to share your gifts but you're not exactly sure where to begin. You want to do it your way, in a way that feels good and supports people and the change we are making in this world.
Intuitive entrepreneurs operate differently, we follow our heart, develop our intuitive and spiritual gifts and it leads into a business.
You are ready to share your work with the right people, in your way, and make a difference, this if for you if:
- You offer an intuitive service based gift you're ready to create into a business that doesn't burden your life but instead gives you the freedom of expression, abundance, fulfillment and more!
- You have clients, they love the work you do, and you haven't quite been able to put the finger on your own unique special offer that makes the right aligned clients consistently say "Yes, I want THAT!"
- You love your inner peace and expect that your business will exponentially provide you the same feelings, plus you'll feel fulfilled, not drained, and you will be giving back to this world and making a difference. As it sits today, toxic business culture is not your vibe and what you see people marketing online doesn't sit right with you, you know there has to be a better way.
- You've downloaded free offers from online coaches, watched their advice online, signed up for webinars and read pdfs, but your tank is empty because you simply don't know how to implement things your way!
- You believe in the client experience, and that you are here on purpose, to make a difference in this world and you are ready to get started in a mindful way, now.
- You realize the value of working with someone who 1) Has the finance & business background, and 2) has built a successful business based solely on her intuitive gifts so she can clearly understand where you're coming from. 3) Who can understand you and speak the same language of intuition/energy talk and support you at multiple levels not just the business version. Having both of these experiences together is invaluable.
- You're an action taker, you love to do self mindset and energy clearing and activating work as you align to new personal growth and experiences!
The world needs your gifts, this is a transformative 3 months together that will create a foundation for not only your business growth, but personal as well.
The world is ready, let's meet it and make the change you feel in your heart.
Start NowYour business is an extension of you, it is meant to add to your life, not consume it.
Energy Work
Mindset Work
Business Strategy
What you'll receive:
- Step by step 30 minute max lessons, because no one has time to sit around and watch countless hours of chatty video, you need to know what you need to know to get it done and have fun!
- Live 1 Hour Meetings 3 times a month to receive support, clarity and guidance where needed in whatever phase your business is at, to collaborate and connect with others. To have a blast while doing it and learn more about yourself in the best way.
- Energy Activations: Your energy is everything, understand how to work through blockages, get clarity on what needs to come through for your business and how you're meant to show up for you.
- How to Show Up for this Work: Intuitive guidance, energy support & activations
- How to Connect with Soulmate clients that convert to sales, getting to do what you love while working with the best people along the way
- Abundant Budgeting: You'll receive an abundant budget planner, how to calculate revenue and be in energetic spaciousness around this type of wealth and energy
Phase 1: Creating an Expansive and Solid Foundational Offer
- Energy Alignment Work: You will get settled into your deeper purpose and allow space for your uniqueness to come forward. We will keep it simple and trim the fat. We want you living your zone of genius with clients, not chasing trends, not getting results and feeling tired. Alignment is what creates ease as you navigate the inner work of showing up for the powerful energy work you do.
- Strategy: You know your work is incredible, how can you structure it in a way that clients receive incredible transformation and you have the financial support you need to live and show up fully for them. Your Six Figure Offer Ladder™️ is one of the most potent and necessary pieces to your business. Without it, you will be floating around, offering items piecemeal and feeling as if you are behind and chasing vs aligning to the powerfully aligned force that is your aligned offer. You create an epic aligned offer so you have calm confidence knowing when and how to show up for your work.
Phase 2: Showing Up in Your Power
- Marketing in Alignment: Whether you desire a community of 50 or 5 million, you will be known for the great work you do. Ease does not mean inaction, ease means the right aligned action so that you can meet the right people who need your work and will benefit from it. We will help you develop an aligned marketing plan to meet your clients and begin signing them on during our time together when you take aligned action!
- Showing Up for the Work: This is the part that gives most people pause. You are here for this work for a reason, we will do the energy work and activations to support you in clearing out fears and getting closer to your biggest dreams.
- Receiving: There is a balance in business to giving and receiving. To pro bono work, to charging fair rates, to have offers that give clients what they hired you for. We will discuss pricing, money energy work and calling in incredible clients.
- Quantum leaping: this societal term refers to what happens when you co create with someone else energetically, close gaps on understanding how something works and have breakthroughs and a-ha's. This is why you do a program like this, to collapse time, make quantum leaps that you are ready for because really you have been working on this on the backend for so long already, it's time.
Everything You Will Experience and More...
The tangible and intangible:
- The freedom, fulfillment & satisfaction you'll experience living out your gifts and dreams. The expertise to help take you from feeling shy about showing up online, with the uncertainty of being seen in this light, judged, all of it, to being so streamlined in your process and flow you are excited to show up for the work you do!
- Energy and mindset work in each session. A conscious business does not push through, a conscious business owner addresses challenges for the value they offer, creates from a space of passion, purpose, and expansion. Aligned entrepreneurship means you are creating something via your Higher Self, with Source energy. There will be time for diligent work and execution, and also time for rest, play, and expansion as the unique energies make their way through your energy field and into your business. There is no finite one size fits all plan, just as your energy is completely unique, your business will be built to support it, what is coming through, and your greater mission.
- The Six Figure Ladder: Your Aligned Offer Suite to meet your clients at different stages, so that you feel solid and incredible sharing your unique work with the world, clients have a transformative experience and you feel fulfilled and ecstatic you are doing the work you love!
- Conscious Copy That Sells: You'll have a foundation of marketing and sales copy to utilize that speaks directly to your soulmate clients and feels good in heart and soul. You do not have to sacrifice yourself for quality converting copy. This is done so your soulmate clients recognize the unique work you offer, and how you support them, and weeds out the rest. This makes for much less long term effort on your part so that you can have the real life balance you desire!
- Sales Magic: Sales is one of the biggest hurdles for people to get through and it's one of the most impactful outside of your offer suite. Understand how to share the work you do to attract clients to your business. You will understand how to share what you do with the right people to create the steady stream of clients that will help your business transform.
- Facebook Community Support for in between sessions
- 3 Months with 3 live sessions a month, with energy alignment & activation work, lessons, supportive homework and the framework you need to take action.
- Email Support
"When I think back to starting my current business, I had more availability, it was just such a hard time getting everything together. This time around, with less available space for this, the process has just been incredible! I don't think I can thank you enough for what you do. I'm so excited about launching this business and getting to do what I know I came here to do while also fully supporting my family in all the ways. It's so incredible it almost feels surreal. So thank you, so much, thank you."
- Sarah
HEY, I'm Emily!
So happy you're here - your intuitive gifts and services are what makes this world a better place.
I myself have been on this path for some time and know what it's like to have this pull in your heart to share the special work you offer with intuitives it's as if we begin following our interests and joy and then we hit a stage where it's becoming a real business and no longer a side gig, and all of a sudden you're a business owner dealing with a whole lot more (marketing, backend, sales, the client onboarding process, etc) who simply wants to share your gifts with the world, that's the most important piece!
My degree is in finance and I worked (and was completely drained for most of it) in tech for 17 years, at the same time I've always seen and perceived energy, ever since I can remember, and when I went to turn what I do intuitively into my profession, I saw that the traditional business models and the ones "business coaches" sell online, simply don't work the same for intuitives.
I wasted thousands of dollars on coaches who over promised and completely under delivered. It was mind blowing. Further, I couldn't find anyone who simply 'got it' and could speak the same lingo as a fellow energy worker.
My business grew into six figures (and we love the six figure money talk for what it truly is, which is stability and groundedness to grow and support more individuals with the work we do) based solely off of my intuitive gifts.
I learned the basic strategy required that any conscious, heart led entrepreneur can review and implement to have the business they desire, to the scale to the degree they desire, and support themselves and their loved ones.
What you and I truly desire, is freedom to live the life that suits our energy best. Continued in "read more"

Read more
Simiplicity, Ease, Joy & Abundance:
A Business That Adds To Your Life
The Energy:
Creating a bridge between your intuitive gifts and an ethically aligned six figure business to share with the world.
It's an honor to to create with you in this space, to be a supportive and pivotal aspect on your journey. You're already doing amazing, let's get down to it, have some fun and shift your life and business into a direction that's exciting and prosperous for you.
- Calls are the first three Tuesdays of the month at 4pm PST and are 1 hour each.
- You will have simple and streamlined sessions to review with action items for you for in between, because I love clear guidance and direction that also leaves room for your own personal growth and exploration!
- You will have an incredible community of others to share and grow with.
- You will have Facebook Peer Group to share wins and receive guidance in between sessions
Always love a good bonus section:
When I was scaling my business there was a lot of noise around being told what I do and do not need.
- Social Media Templates: Included in this program is all of the Instagram, YouTube, Podcast, Journal, Ebook, Pinterest, etc templates you will ever need. All you need to do is: 1) add your branding colors and 2) add your own text & context!
- 31 Social Media Prompts: to Warm Up Your Audience, Build Momentum and Share or Sell from Soul
- Budget Bonus: Think of budgeting not as something constricting, but expansive! You'll receive an energy activation for creating this new foundation in your business as you receive more and expand. You'll receive a budget planner and what to look for when it comes to your business at this phase. This is not financial advice and you can find formal terms and conditions in the T&C's on my website which covers each of my programs.
This is a good fit if:
You're excited to bring your intuitive gifts into the world and make them a viable business - you're ready to take inspired action and make a difference for yourself and others in 2024 and beyond~