Private Mentorship with Emily

Alignment Container

A life changing experience to expand and get clarity on your unique intuition and energetic gifts, for alignment in all aspects of your life. 

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You have an incredible life that's ready to be in full alignment with your intuition and energy.

This is for you if:

  • You're feeling the nudge to deepen your intuition and follow a more heart led path
  • You desire to breakthrough the mundane and align to your next personal level
  • You want to finally understand and trust your intuition, develop your energy skillset and bring it into all areas of your life
  • To realize the benefits of this work in both your vocation and personal life
  • You've always wanted to dedicate time to discovering more of who you are and what your intuition has to show you
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You're discovering more of who you are meant to become...

With intuitive messages to help guide you and develop a sense of strength and clarity with your abilities, decision making and internal guidance become more easeful to receive.

Every session intentionally helps your intuitive gifts and energy expand:

  • You are ready to make shifts for big change, to recognize your unique energy and the wonders it has in store for you
  • Sessions help you remove those blocks so you can move forward in the same day 
  • You will deepen your connection with your Spirit guides
  • Past life old patterns will come through to be cleared
  • You'll get a jump start on life again from this new framework and perspective

You know you're intuitive and you're ready to discover & live more of this part of you, in alignment

  • We'll discover your unique intuition tells and help you clearly define a personal best self care practice.  We'll remove any blockages and support you in practicing how to navigate receiving intuitive guidance on a daily basis.
  • To help you navigate personal development, expanding your purpose, relationships, career evolution, money and wealth development, and more.
  • Each session includes energy work (a deeper and more expanded version of Reiki), grounding, clearing, balancing of energy centers and meridians, and messages from your Spirit guides, Spirit team, higher Self and more.  
  • Additional work that may come through:
  • Past life healing work
  • Pet communication
  • Inner healing
  • Ancestral Work
  • New energy tools uniquely for you
  • Energetic Mediumship
  • Energy Center balancing
  • Future you, communication for guidance
  • Personal tarot card readings
  • Quantum leaping: this social term is actually what happens when you co create with someone else energetically, close gaps on understanding and have breakthroughs and a-ha's
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With guided insights via Voxer:

  • Many clients will tell you, this is one of their favorite, and most transformative parts of our time together.
  • "*SIgh* Voxer..."
  • "It's like Christmas having these messages in here for me"
  • "That is spot on and makes so much sense"
  • A-ha's and breakthroughs come through all the time, this is a space for you to share them, explore them together and Emily holds space for additional guided messages from your Higher Self & Spirit guides/team.
  • This is conscious time and space together throughout the week where you'll receive insights, support, guided messages and energy work every time Emily holds space to respond to your voice or text note.  
  • This is how you apply the guidance to your daily life for significant, permanent change and transformation, utilizing your tools daily to shift your life into alignment!
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The next level of your experience is ready and waiting for you.

It gets to be really, really good.

- Emily Marie

HEY, I'm Emily!

I know what it's like to be successful by society's standards, and you're very grateful for what you have, yet you have this ache to discover something else within you.  To bring a part of you to life that you can't quite put your finger on.  You are not alone, I've worked with countless women and individuals who feel the exact same way.  

Clients Experiencing Transformative Results

"It was like having a coffee with an old friend while getting a massage and strategizing with your business planner and your life coach and parenting coach.  And yet it felt as ease-full and refreshing as a walk in the park, amazing!"

- Sarah P

Alignment client applying to her life the tools she's been learning:

"I can honestly say since I've been doing this more frequently, especially when I think I might need a little help, it's been life changing."

- Jen L

Emily: "What advice would you give someone who is thinking about joining the container?"

Client: "Oh my gosh, just do it and get ready for a ride"

- Anonymous

"I was hesitant at first because I've never done anything like this for myself, and I'm so glad I did! I wasn't expecting the gifts that I've discovered and now I'm having fun getting used to them.  You've {Emily} provided such gentle support and guidance for every topic I manage to bring up even when I feel like it's crazy! You've helped me see things in a clear way, and the shifts I've been making are showing up in the most amazing ways.  I was confident before but this felt like the missing piece."

- Kelsie M

"Emilyyyyyyy!  I'm not even sure what to say, every time we Voxer things become more expanded. I've been applying what we talked about to my mornings and work and it's a game changer!  I can do this now and it feels like the tip of the iceberg!" 

- Vanessa R 

Many clients choose to renew when it feels aligned, here's why:

"I know I've said many times how incredible this experience has been.  I also wanted to say how much fun it's been.  I would never have imagined that "doing the work" would be so easeful and joyful.  This experience has brought such light to a really tricky time and helped me move through it (and continue to move through it) with grace and gratitude.  It's so cliche but in a time when I would expect that surviving is enough - I truly feel like I am thriving.  I'm building a new life and a new business in this beautiful symbiosis - it almost feels surreal - I think for the first time in my life it feels like I'm starting to live the life of my dreams (not something to please someone else or live up to their standards).  I will forever be so grateful."   - Sarah 

Apply to Work Together

Emily carefully reviews each application to ensure it is mutually a good fit.  Approved applicants will receive an email with instructions and next steps.

Pay in Full


  • 4 Months Together
  • Two, 60-75 minute intuitive sessions a month on Emily's VIP calendar 
  • Expansive Energy Space held for your personal evolution, guided insights, messages and more.
  • Voxer Support Tue - Thu
  • Approximately 7-11 hours of time together each month

Payment Plan


or 777 bi weekly

  • 4 Months Together
  • Two, 60-75 minute intuitive sessions a month on Emily's VIP calendar 
  • Expansive Energy Space held for your personal evolution, guided insights, messages and more.
  • Voxer Support Tue - Thu
  • Approximately 7-11 hours of time together each month

Frequently Asked Questions